In these years the ZenCaos is grown and a lot of projects was included in this adventure.
I'm still continue to forge collaborations with strong people and in a variety of creative sectors.


ZenCaos&Etrom is a collaboration between ZenCaos Creative and EtroMirroR ed. /ed.musicali with the purpose to expand the services wen can offer to our client, not just graphic solutions but a wide range of promotion and marketing services too.

ArchLove Magazine (USA)

ZenCaos Creative is the art director and graphic designer for the american ArchLove Magazine, a new art and culture magazine, created on cultural exchanges between nations. Multilingual magazine that allows a different approach to its reading, its strength is the images which creates sensations and immersion in the cultural world.

ZenCaos is also active as a graphic director and illustrator for is own book publishing series, in collaboration with/and published by EtroMirroR ed. /ed.musicali.

Contact ZenCaos to receive more informations or to ask for a free estimate.
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Cavalleri Roberta VAT number 03718000163